Now that spring is just a few weeks away, you’re probably getting your house ready for the warmer months. It’s important not to neglect getting your car ready for spring! Here are a few tips:
The winter’s salt and sand might have corroded your brakes, particularly the anti-lock braking system. Take the car in for a brake check-up, especially if you notice squeaking, squealing, or any “sponginess” when pushing on the brake pedal.
Again, slipping around on salty and sandy roads can wreak havoc on your tires. Make sure that there’s enough tread and check the air pressure as the temperature warms up.
You haven’t used it in a while, so it might need a top-off or other service. The best time to find this out is now, and not in the middle of July! Turn the dial to “cold” and make sure it’s working.
A car check and tune-up will ensure that you’ll get through the spring and summer months safely and with your car in good condition.
Of course, being able to keep your car inside of your garage can add to its overall lifespan. If you’re ready to invest in a custom garage, give us a call!
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